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The principle of the game is simple:

The player have to memorize the series of illuminated keys and reproduce it. The purpose of the game is to reproduce the longest series of colors/sounds randomly generated by the Simon. In each round a new key is added to the series and the game becomes increasingly difficult because the player's memory is more and more solicited.

  1. At the beginning of the game, one of the 4 keys lights up randomly producing simultaneously a sound associated to the key.

  2. The player has to press the same key.

  3. Next, the Simon turns back the same light on and a second one, again randomly.

  4. The player has to reproduce this chain of light using his memory.

  5. And so on... In each round a new key is added to the series and the game becomes all the more difficult as the player's memory is put to the test.

  6. If the player doesn't make any mistake, the game goes on, so it is an endless game!



